Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Living Sculpture

In the Willow's Shadow - News from Flower City
(10/01/27) Living Sculpture

Again and again, here in this Flower City, I encounter ikebana.

Characters for ikebana spell "living" and "flower," but I often wonder how to properly interpret this art. As discussed in this week's lesson, "living" has many shades of meaning in English. Likewise, "flower" or "blossom" seems to have many shades of meaning in Japanese.

I wonder if "living sculpture" could be a translation that echoes strongly in European culture.

When I think of "living sculpture," the image of Pygmalion of Cyprus comes to mind. He is remembered as the artist who fell in love with the statue he carved. He was pitied by the goddess of love and she brought the statue to life as a living woman. The Pygmalion story is related to stories of Adonis (Greek) and Osiris (Egyptian), gods of life, death, and vegetation from the Mediterranean region.

Ultimately, the living sculpture dies.

The question is:

How does it live?



多分英語でliving sculpture (生きている彫刻)と訳せばEuropean文化で響き渡る事が出来るだと思います。

Living sculptureと思えばキプロスのPygmalionと思い出します。Pygmalionの話で彼は自分の彫刻作品と愛してしまいました。愛の神が哀れみました。次に彫刻女が本物の女の子に成りました。Pygmalionの話は地中海のAdonisやOsirisの話と似ています。Adonis はギリシヤの神。Osirisは エジプトの神。両方は死ぬ物と生きる物と植物の神です。




(For more Kinse English News go to http://inthewillowsshadow.blogspot.com/
or flavoraware.com)

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